My Favorites

Yamas & Niyamas 101

My Favorites Om February 15, 2017 2 Comments

I have been regularly practicing yoga for nearly eleven years now. I have been to teacher training, participated in about a dozen workshops locally and around the country, and have “absorbed” many yogic teachings over the years. I still have never really been what I would consider a dedicated student. Sure I can call the Sanskrit names for most of…

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My Favorite Things

My Favorites STYLE November 11, 2016 1 Comments

I would not consider myself overly materialistic, but I do have a taste for beautiful things. Here are my Five Favorite Things showcased in a photo taken by my close friend, photographer Bill Diodato. Is it just me, or should this be a print ad? George’s leash. Preferably with George attached. A three-time hand me down (with the not so…

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